The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68521   Message #1158335
Posted By: Bill D
09-Apr-04 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs do not exist!
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs do not exist!
I dunno how something can exist without shape....'taint MY claim..*musing smile*...I just get from folks like Little Hawk the claim that "God" or "spirit" or whatever the **Universal Force of the Universe** is is everywhere at once and somehow pervades all being, without having any particular shape or substance of its own. Perhaps it partakes of shape by pervading entities? (I spent several years learning to talk like that, and never did figure out if anyone really knew what they meant by such terminology!)

Language is fascinating....we can argue all day about things no one has ever seen....(been away 3 minutes on a whim to do a search on the phrase "higher planes of consciousness"...and got 395 hits, of which this was among the first..[I confess, I am sure that if I ever did achieve a "higher plane of consciousness", I'd have to come back down, as I couldn't cope with it]

"''You seek now, within the action of this shift, a new consciousness; to widen your awareness and to hold an objective understanding of HOW you create your reality. You DO create your reality, but much of that doing is veiled from you. You do not allow yourselves, within your singularity of attention, the viewing of how you are creating your reality within the creation of your line of probabilities in every action that you choose. This is the action of this shift, to be objectively aware of your creation of your reality, and therefore allowing you a fuller expression of your creativity and more of free movement through consciousness.''"

--The Elias Digests