The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68676   Message #1158373
Posted By: Peace
09-Apr-04 - 10:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: while we argue about war & politics---
Subject: RE: BS: while we argue about war & politics---
Bill D: I am impressed by people like you who are gettin' up there and still give a damn about this planet. Bravo. I don't know your motives, but I do know they are honourable. I love people who see their lives on Earth as a part of a continuing 'saga', and not the whole story. This is a good thread.

The school I teach in bought some rain forest a few years ago. It is indeed an important part of the weather factory for the world, to say nothing of the flora we are killing off at an alarming rate: plants that may contain the key to cures for terrible diseases, including aging. I am 56, and I have to care about this planet because when I die, I would like my children and students to inherit a place they can live and thrive in. So far, we ain't doin' so good. That alone is reason to fight the NWO and the multi-nationals. Good on you, man. Real good.

Bruce Murdoch