The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68676   Message #1158414
Posted By: InOBU
09-Apr-04 - 11:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: while we argue about war & politics---
Subject: RE: BS: while we argue about war & politics---
Hi Bill... read my comments on the Nader post... it agrees with what you say, refering to the melting of the Greenland ice pack. It is all connected, the Republicans and quite a few Democrates live in a dream world where everything will be fine... voting for Nader, however, will just put to rest any chance of changing things... but, your are right on that the environment is critical, however, it is also true that these wars are not only distractions, they are planned so that the US could continue to reep 3/4 of the worlds raw matterial out put and trash the planit.