The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68676   Message #1158637
Posted By: GUEST
10-Apr-04 - 02:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: while we argue about war & politics---
Subject: RE: BS: while we argue about war & politics---
I think it is great that you care enough to try to only use sustainably harvested wood. The thing is, for too long the conventional wisdom about sustainable use has been that because it isn't as profitable as the environmentally destructive harvest methods, that it can't be viable.

That isn't true. It is perfectly viable. We humans just have to change our consumption habits. If we don't, well...the alternative is pretty dire. Problem with the alternative is those of us who refuse to change our habits aren't going to be the ones who will live with those dire consequences, our future generations will suffer them instead.

Which means it is very difficult to make lazy ass people do anything differently. It is easy to lecture, scold, and blame the Republicans for something we are all guilty of doing.