The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68707   Message #1159211
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
11-Apr-04 - 10:29 AM
Thread Name: 'Rock'n'Roll medley' mentality!
Subject: RE: 'Rock'n'Roll medley' mentality!
Satchel, I was 110% with you until you committed the basic error of confusing 'Rock' with 'Rock & Roll'. Not the same thing old lad (lass?). Rock & Roll was a very specific form, and the end of Rock & Roll pre-dated the rise to fame of the Beatles in 1963 by several years.

But in every other respect I agree with you and Mikefule.

Kendall, I don't like Modern Jazz - sounds like musical diarrhoea to me, but I don't question it's relevance as a musical genre, nor do I question the virtuosity of those who play it. Just because a particular musical form isn't to your taste is no reason to show disrespect for it, or for those who play it. They're fellow musicians, not vandals or hooligans!

I'm preaching again! Sorry, I'll get back in me cupboard.......

Johnny :0)