The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68713   Message #1159388
Posted By: KT
11-Apr-04 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: May baskets
Subject: RE: Folklore: May baskets
I remember May baskets! When I was a little girl, I'd make a May basket, filled with flowers, candy , ribbons, and take it to my next door neighbor's house. The object was to hang it on the door knob, knock and run away, making the gift anonymous, in the style of Random Acts of Kindness, but anonymously done.

As an adult, I was delighted for several years, to be the recipient of a May basket, handmade and delivered by the little girl who lived across the street. She tried hard to be anonymous, but was caught one time, hiding behind the house. She stood just out of sight around the corner of the house, waiting for enough time to pass for it to be safe to return home without being caught. We were each sneaking along perpendicular sides of the house, when we met at the corner of the house. I don't know who was more startled ...or delighted!! Still brings a smile to this day.........    Lovely tradition! KT