The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68660   Message #1159729
Posted By: GUEST,banjoman
12-Apr-04 - 06:53 AM
Thread Name: Its Good Friday
Subject: RE: Its Good Friday
Good Friday is a celebration of the fact that Christ took upon himself the sin of the world and sufferred & died so that we may live in the certain knowledge of eternal life with him. This was the fulfilment of the promise given to Adam of a Messiah to lead man back to full relationship with God.
I can't think of anything more deserving of the title "Good" than that.
The Easter Tridium (Maundy Thursday - Dawn on Easter Sunday is the complete Easter celebration emphasising Death to sin and rebirth with Christ. Make no mistake - Christ did suffer on that cross -
In this modern world, it is Good to remember and renew from time to time no matter what our personal beliefs.

I think it a sorry state of affaird when those who do not believe ridicule. I repect every mans right to worship or not as he sees fit. Please shoe us the same