The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41508 Message #1159793
Posted By: Amergin
12-Apr-04 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: Additions to Mudcat Storyteller Page II
Subject: RE: Additions to Mudcat Storyteller Page II
The Wrestling Match
I was staying at my cousin's place over in Plains, Montana.. and I had a wool blanket outside...cause i wanted to sleep underneath the stars...and it was a nice coolish summer night...and after having wrestling matches with the mosquitos I settled down to have me a sleep...Well, I got up in the middle of the night to have a leak and walked into the bushes a bit...and did my business...
well i go back to my blanket and there he was...the biggest the meanest bobcat that I have ever laid my eyes on...curled right up on my blanket. Well like I said this bastard was huge...he made Babe the blue ox look like a hairless toy poodle with horns...
But you know? I couldn't stand seeing this thing sleeping on MY blanket....not when I was needing I marched right up to him and jumped upon his sleeping form...boy you should have heard that racket...the screeches and the yowls and the roars were loud enough to shake the entire town of Plains to the very loud the hills came tumbling down into the Clark Fork River...and a once hilly countryside is now a marshy swamp....but anyways me and that cat must have been going at for four hours before we decided to take a breather...I had a few chuncks bitten out of me...some bald patches on my head...and a few other odds and ends...and that bobcat had a few chunks bitten out of him...and several missing tufts of hair throughout his body...a few of its sharp teeth were missing as well...
My gramma comes out of her trailer and tends to our bleeding wounds...and feeds and waters us....and then we go on for round two...biting and scratching and clawing and yowling, knocking the trees over...knocking over fences and boulders and whats left of the town of Plains...this goes on for another four hours or so....til we had to stop and rest some more...i had a couple of strands of hair on my body left...and a few more chunks of meat missing...the cat was missing a couple of claws that had been bitten off.....half of it's tail ear gone...and like me...the cat was almost completely hairless by this time...well...I looked at the cat...and then looked down at me...and just started chuckling...the cat looked at me funny for a bit and then started laughing too...I said you know this is ridiculous...we can BOTH share that blanket...the bobcat nodded it's head and we went down to the blanket (or what was left of it by this time) and slept....I tell you that was the best sleep I have ever gotten...