The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68750   Message #1160167
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Apr-04 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost
Subject: RE: BS: The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost
Ah. Well, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are merely three symbols of a Divine Trinity. The Divine is a single Unity, but you can express it as:

1. One

2. A Duality: Light and Darkness, Here and There, Finite and Infinite, Manifest and Unmanifest, etc...

3. A Trinity: Mother, Father, Child; Father, Son, Holy Spirit; Length, Width, Breadth; Above, Below, Within; etc...

The founders of Christianity, for their own cultural reasons, chose to express their trinity as a Father, a Son, and an indeterminate force or presence designated "Holy Spirit" or "Holy Ghost". In doing so, they left out an obvious female component in Creation, which was a silly thing to do, but they were living in a very patriarchal order at that time.

- LH