The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68719   Message #1160241
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
12-Apr-04 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraqi Battalion Refuses to Fight Iraqis
Subject: RE: BS: Iraqi Battalion Refuses to Fight Iraqis
Soldiers make war; at least, that is their training.

That's what some soldiers do some of the time. But it's by no means the only thing they need to be trained to do. There are all kinds of situations where soldiers get used for very different purposes, including quasi-police roles.

And even when it comes to "making war", that isn't just a question of going in guns blazing and taking care of business in pitched battles. If that is all that soldiers are trained to do, they are not being adequately or suitably trained.

A properly trained soldier will not behave in a way that gratuitously increases the likelihood that the soldiers in the unit that takes over from them is going to be killed. Properly trained soldiers will never, for example, desecrate holy places and holy things - smash altars in churches, burn scrolls in synagogues, rip up and shoot copies of the Koran in mosques.