The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68755   Message #1160387
Posted By: Bobert
12-Apr-04 - 10:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Draft Reinstated!!!!......
Subject: RE: BS: Draft Reinstated!!!!......
All depends on ones interprtation of the facts, Strick. If yer volunteered for say, oh, 4 years with the hope of being able to get some trainin' or college and you've completed yer stint and Donnie Rumsfelf come to ya and says, "Sorry, pal, but you can't leave. You gotta go back to Iraq." then to me that is like being drafted. You done yer time. You completed yer contract. You done yer part. And now, because you completed yer end of the deal, yer in a pool of folks that can be kept forever in Iraq???? If that ain't a draft then what the heck is??? Answer me that one!!! If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, Strick, its a duck!!!

You and yer bud Tetribus may want to spit hairs on this one and knock yerselves out. It's a draft... Jus' 'cause you both is nice an comfy, if you can put yerself in the shoes (which I know you won't) for one second of someone from the ghetto who volunteered, has been shot at, and done his or her time thinking, like the recruiters told him or her, that they would be going to college now and be told by Donnie Rumsefeld, "Sorry, you'll be dodging incoming as long as I say you will"... it's a draft!!! Or slavery!!!

You pick.

Ain't no other options here...

Now get uot yer magnifying glasses and try to divert attention from the realities if that makes ya' all feel all warm and fuzzy. Don't change a danged thing...
