The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68521   Message #1161231
Posted By: Little Hawk
13-Apr-04 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs do not exist!
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs do not exist!
It would make absolutely no difference if they did, Bill. Thousands and thousands of excellent photos have been taken of purported UFO's (and some were hoaxes, a great many were not). I saw some of those photos in an issue of Life Magazine (cover story was on recent notable UFO incidents) in the early 70's. Life treated the matter seriously, and treated the photos as the real thing (unexplained flying objects) and not as hoaxes. One of the most interesting photos was over a harbour city in Australia, I think it was Sydney.

You see, Bill, if you live in a mental bell jar and you don't know about these things, then you can easily discount them in a casual sort of way on the rare occasions when someone brings them up.

If you don't live in such a mental bell jar, and you actually bother seriously investigating what's already out there, only the most rank prejudices could cause you to dismiss the evidence out of hand.

I've personally known a great many people (and trustworthy, normal people, including professional pilots) who have seen what could only have been alien vehicles or some other very odd natural phenomenon that we are not familiar with and have no name for. I've personally seen such phenomena. The best guess is: they are intelligently piloted or controlled vehicles, not of human Earthly origin. Another possibility is that they are secret government craft of Earthly origin, but given their capabilities of maneuver that seems much less likely. Besides, the government would not keep exposing such things to public view, they would test them in restricted areas.

- LH