The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13868   Message #116155
Posted By: Emily
21-Sep-99 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day (Sept 21)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (Sept 21)
Thanks Peter T. for bringing back some wonderful memories. I grew up in New England and the house at the top of the street had a grand horse chestnut in front. Every fall we'd fill large grocery bags with these beautiful brown nuts. We never did anything with them, but they were just too beautiful to throw away. It was sort of like picking up shells or pebbles on the beach, each one as wonderful as the last and too precious to just leave there.

Oh the joys of a New England fall. I now live in Texas where and I don't think the trees even know about seasons. My pecan tree just isn't the same as the lovely horse chestnet tree.