The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68779   Message #1162080
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Apr-04 - 11:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why don't Baptists honor weiner dogs?
Subject: RE: BS: Why don't Baptists honor weiner dogs?
Not at all, McGrath! The dachshund as originally bred (as a hunting dog) was specifically bred to go down a badger's hole, sieze the badger in its very strong jaws, and haul it out by sheer strength and determination...and they did! They were tremendously courageous and determined hunting dogs.

Some are still like that. We had one that was. He was just unstoppable, and never stopped thinking about hunting whatever he could stalk or catch. And my mother's family had one like that about 60 years ago. He was utterly fearless, by all accounts.

They're all natural rodent killers...seem to specialize in that, but ours also managed to kill cats, rabbits, and a muskrat. He had a go at a porcupine too, but fortunately quit before absorbing more than just a few quills. He was really angry, but had enough sense to back off after the first encounter (with a tail swipe, I think). He did not attack skunks, although he certainly had opportunities to. He wasn't the least bit stupid, but he sure could be reckless when his blood was up. Cats that didn't run were dead in a second or two. (except for our own cat...they had a truce worked out)

Most present-day dachshunds, however, have been selectively bred to be pets, as Bee-Dub points out. The one thing that doesn't seem to have changed is their stubbornness. They are exceedingly stubborn little guys when their mind is made up. I never met one that could think about more than one thing at any given time...and they FOCUS right in on the objective.

- LH