The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68521   Message #1162272
Posted By: Ellenpoly
15-Apr-04 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs do not exist!
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs do not exist!
Does anyone else wonder why so many threads end up talking about faith and belief?

Isn't it kind of clear that we all are going to have our own thoughts on the subject, and the chance of changing anyone else's is like spitting into the wind?

Or is it more about trying to make sure what we write is being understood the way we mean it to be? That, too, might often be spitting into the wind.

Kahlil Gibran once wrote (I am paraphrasing here, which is ironic) "We will never understand each other until we reduce our language to 7 words"...

(Care to list your favorite 7?)