The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68791   Message #1162657
Posted By: freightdawg
15-Apr-04 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Band of Brothers
Subject: RE: BS: Band of Brothers

I agree with you 100% (well, maybe 99%) when you say that freedom of speech is freedom to say unpopular things. I was not refering to the government censorship of ideas (which is reprehensible), but to the "tyranny of the majority" that can stifle any legitimate disagreement, regardless of which side of the political spectrum it arises from.

I respect MichaelR's freedom to dissent from any opinion that I hold, including his appreciation, or lack thereof, of any Hollywood production.

I even respect his opinion (not stated, but insinuated) regarding military service. I might even respect it more if I knew on what principles it was based. I certainly do not respect cowardice, but I do respect principled pacifism (many of those who hold such beliefs do serve in the military - in medical or other branches).

What I cannot respect is his stated belief that some, or maybe even many, of the freedoms we enjoy as Americans are illusory or "so-called." I want him to list them. I want to know exactly what he is refering to. Once he joins that discussion, then maybe I can see where it is he is coming from and have a better understanding of his conclusions.

And, yes, he caught me on a bad day.

Amos, no Michael does not need to be honored. Respect might be a form of honor, and if so then I respect his freedom to dissent and to voice his opinion.

I feel though, especially in his last post, that he has no respect for veterans, especially those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. He even dismisses those who disagree with him with the epithet "flagwavers don't get it." What is the "it" that I missed? And, unless I just misread his first post, he was being overtly critical of a series that another mudcatter really appreciated. Up to his post, all who responded were in basic agreement. Who started the "argument" if it was not Michael? It irks me when people start disagreements, and then get huffy because "everybody is so disagreeable." If an issue is strong enough to deserve your dissent, then at least have the courage to defend your convictions.

I think it was one of those fire-arm toting patriots that Michael is so contemptable of who said, "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

I just think Michael needs to respect those who HAVE died for his right to hold a dissenting opinion.
