The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68791   Message #1162674
Posted By: Big Mick
15-Apr-04 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Band of Brothers
Subject: RE: BS: Band of Brothers
michaelr, I thought maybe you would step up to the plate. Freightdog did jump you a little too quick, and I thought he over reacted. You do have a right to your opinion. But an obligation to stating it is to defend it. Otherwise it is a gratuitous assertion, and has no value to the discussion.

BUT..... freightdawg came back and laid out specific questions which are germaine to the discussion that you decided to jump into. Your response was to just dismiss that with "I'm not going to list anything here." At that point, you lose me. If your contentions were worth making in this thread, then the questions/challenges posed should be worth answering.

Anything less, and you come off as a lightweight who should have never stepped in.
