The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68137   Message #1163147
Posted By: wysiwyg
16-Apr-04 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: A Very Special Shawl
Subject: RE: A Very Special MMario Shawl

1. For am emailed pic of the finished piece all laid out, and other important details we can't post, please EMAIL ME.

2. I'm in a crunch here at home-- gig stuff dumped in my lap by the venue for a gig tomorrow night, and I'm sick, too.

3. I need help getting word out via PM on an important matter, to the folks who have not emailed me (or via email if you have folks' addys). If you can help send some PMs for me, please email me for the updated copy to paste, and a list of names.


Subject: MUDCAT