The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68875   Message #1163203
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Apr-04 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Cursing Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Cursing Thread
Avaunt, wretch! May you be cursed! May the harpies of hell descend upon you and assail you with a thousand nameless ills, you shambling, cretinous, simpleton, you wart on a pimple's posterior! May your teeth gnash in impotent frustration! May your blood curdle in your veins! May you be despised and cast out from the world of men, to wander unpitied and scorned through the barren wilderness where even the scavenger birds mock you! May all the biting insects descend upon your wretched form in a pestilential cloud and drive you to jibbering madness! And there at last, alone and unsuccoured, may you meet the miserable fate you so richly deserve, and the jackals pick your bones!