The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13827   Message #116322
Posted By: peter sailer
21-Sep-99 - 11:44 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Aunt Clara / Mary Alice Jones: Authors?
Subject: RE: Aunt Clara / Mary Alice Jones: Authors?
Dick Rodgers and I learned "We Never Mention Aunt Clara" from Dick Greenhouse at a Folklore Society of Greater Washington Getaway. Our group (The Cathedral Avenue Cacaphony) performs it frequently. Back in ancient history (the 1980's), we performed it at the Thomas House, a retirement home in Washington DC. As we sang, a figure from the audience slowly joined us at the front of the room, and began singing with us. At the end, he introduced himself as Bud Willis, lyricist of the song. He said the melody we were singing was not the one a friend of his had originally written to go with his lyrics. He also claimed that he had once successfully sued Carl Sandburg for including this song in "I hear America Singing" without attributing the lyrics to him (Mr. Willis). I cannot verify any of this. At a subsequent performance at the Thomas House, we were informed that Mr. Willis had passed away.