The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68898   Message #1163666
Posted By: Bobert
16-Apr-04 - 10:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Irony: Bush and the UN
Subject: RE: BS: Irony: Bush and the UN
Ahhhhhh, Strick, did you forget to take your memory pills again???

If you'll remember, The UN was an afterthought fir Bush the Junior. Ha had allready gone before the Amercian people with his *woof-woof-I'm-gonna-get-that-son-of-gun-that-tried-to-kill-my-daddy* 'bout a half a dozen times plus had Condi "Mushroom" Rice and Dick "More-Mushroom" Cheney running from coast to coast warning people to batten down the hatches 'cause Saddam was gonna get 'um if they didn't. Remember them days, Strickster? No? Take another a pill...

So then.... along come Powell, who walks into the Oval Office and say's "Hey, Junior. Yer messin' up and I think we need to go to the UN before invading Iraq, or I'll quit!"

So Junior went to the UN and di the perfunctory UN stuff and then invaded Iraq... Hey, good move. He didn't have to suffer the lose of his much needed and second favorite "House Negro".... and now folks can think that the UN, which was totally stripped of any world respect by Junior, can save his butt????? Like make that a big ***NOT***!!!!!!!!!

Sure, Junior will get reslected becuase the folks who get to count the votes say so, but hs won't be able to breathe any respectability back into the UN. Like givin' a tranfusion to a dead man...
