The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68767   Message #1163847
Posted By: Jim Dixon
17-Apr-04 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Irish songs about balls, wakes, soirees
Copied from Brakn's website (see above).

(Willie Hynes, a postman, 1912.)

Ye Foresters of Dundalk Town and Hibernians from Ardee
No more may shout or rave about your style or quality.
Your dancers were the pride of Louth and they are famous still.
Against all time will stand sublime, the Soirée on Skull Hill.

In the parish of Kilcurry stands this ancient place of fame,
And days now gone, seems many a throng add lustre to its name.
When Faughart's sons stood brave with guns to fight for Erin's cause
And gallant men like brave A. M. had earned their applause.

The golden light of liberty now breaks round Erin's shore.
Crowbar brigade doomed and dismayed will raise their heads no more.
The green flag high will always fly; we'll keep it floating still.
No more we'll mourn but now return to the Soirée on Skull Hill.

The clerk Tom Quinn just then stepped in escorting Brigid Shields.
Mulhulland gripped the fiddle light and played the heathery breeze.
Lockington's herd hopped like a bird with Maggie on the floor,
And Tommy Boyle and his Chinese smile, kept tally at the door.

Two beauties fair dressed up so rare from Castletown had come.
Miss Fagan's gay in green and grey had marched in from Tiffchrum.
Ballregan too hurrah for you up Drumbilla still.
You had the bell of that grand swell at the Soirée on Skull Hill.

Black Stephen took the leading part combined with Kate O'Hare.
Barbara took her place in front with the boy that mends the chairs.
Pat and Ciss just had a kiss then took their place again.
Peter he swore, jumped on the floor, and pulled out Mary Jane.

Kate Watters danced with all the boys and filled their hearts with joy.
Miss Duffy too, I tell to you, she danced with a "post boy".
Joe Reilly played "The White Cockade" with all his might and skill
To keep in line while marking time to the dancing on the Skull Hill.

McCormick sang "The Stilly Night" - shades of old Tom Moore -
"Kilarney's Lakes Are Beautiful" and "Casey's Cabin Door".
Old Erin's sweetest songs were sung by every girl and boy.
Miss Hughes she took the biscuit when she sang "My Name's Molloy".

Mrs. Murdoch came to cook the grub, with Mrs. Coburn, T.*
And Joseph helped to carve the ham while Tom went on the spree;
And those who didn't pay at all their tummies for to fill
Regret that night, the glorious sight at the Soirée on Skull Hill.

The ham was cold and roasted the beef was boiled and raw.
The sausages from Tully McKeown would dislocate your jaw.
Black puddings, curried liver, tripe, conger eel and cheese,
Tomato sauce and cauliflower, and turnip tops and peas.

The porter came from James's Gate, the minerals from Dundalk.
A case of gin brought out by Quin to make the ladies talk.
Oh, the whiskey came in quarter casks both patent and pot still.
The Leap Year Ball was a big windfall for the boozers on Skull Hill.

There were singers from Borea and dancers from Dunleer.
For the boys from Carrickrobin the weather didn't fear.
The boys and girls from Dromantee and Hiltown got a call,
The and choice of Ravensdale and the pride of Faughart all.

Up Kilcurry was the motto draped across the hall.
Carrickasticken to the front grab old ladies all.
They danced the Faughart Lancers, the Dungooley four-hand reel,
And Rose McGeough she danced you know a jig for Lurgankeel.

At seven o'clock next morning when the day did appear,
The boys and girls from every part their courses home did steer.
Now to conclude and finish up come all ye glasses fill,
And drink hurrah Faughart go Brath, and the Soirée on Skull Hill.

* Mrs. Thomas Coburn, (the tailor).