The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68907   Message #1164080
Posted By: Bobert
17-Apr-04 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
Well, my fellow Americans, I have aq lot of good news for you today. Under me administartion we have made the saving of old growth forests a number one prority in this administration. We have 70% old growth trees that we did during the Clinton asministartion. And unlike the Clinton administarion out air is cleaner and our water pure-er than anytime since the 18th century under the Polk administration. And we have been so dilligent, unlike the last asministartion, to pay particular attention to endangered species and have brought back 80% more extinct species than all the administrations since our brave Founding Fathers carved out our Constitution over 200 years ago. Now, I know that we have done a lot but, my fellow Americans, we're just getting warmed up. In my next administartion we are going to patch up the hole in the ozone layer, we are going to bring back even more extinct species, we are going to create 3 times as many old growth forests and we are going to make the water that every American drinks so pure that just 6 galssed a day will prevent all forms of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

And that is a promise.

Good night and...

God Bless America.