The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68791   Message #1164107
Posted By: freightdawg
17-Apr-04 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Band of Brothers
Subject: RE: BS: Band of Brothers

Shell shock, at least in my estimation, can in no way be considered cowardice. And those to whom you refer as refusing to take up a gun, but serving their fellow humans by serving in the medic corp are true heroes, as far as I am concerned.

There are many, many ways one can serve his or her country and still be conscientiously opposed to bearing arms. These are not, nor should they ever be considered, cowards.

Yesterday, I watched the funeral procession of one of the Marines killed in Iraq earlier this month. Miles and miles of police cars, fire trucks and cars with American flags waving wound their way though the city of Albuquerque, NM. He was a proud husband, father, and American Marine. I honor his memory, and all of his fallen companions.
