The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13867   Message #116411
Posted By: catspaw49
22-Sep-99 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: The Village of Mudcat
Subject: RE: The Village of Mudcat
Gee Den, I really don't need a sign.........Everybody pretty well knows that I share a litterbox with Katlaughing out on the other side of the tracks. Kat does keep a nice garden going though (well fertilized I guess) where she communes with the faeries. Both of us can generally be found all over the Village, just wandering and spreadin' a little litter as we go. But I'll tell you what........make me a sign and I'll be happy to offend the person of your choice in return. Guess I'll use Margarita's suggestion with the GSIF added.It should read:

CATSPAW ** "Spaw" ** G.S.I.F.

Practitioner and Purveyor of
Forthright,Honest,and Jovial Obscenities *** Available Most Hours

Thanks, Spaw