The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68750   Message #1164621
Posted By: wysiwyg
18-Apr-04 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost
Subject: RE: BS: The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost
I had thought I might not post in this thread again. It's wandered far off topic. But I ran across this in an old email today while looking for something else.

I had a vision once of the love and energy of the Holy Spirit emanating from God as a flow of undulating, rich, creaminess. Like a combination of a waterfall, cleaned and silky sheeps' wool, and calm waves-- reaching to us.

The Holy Spirit also is involved, for me, whenever a friend is in deep need and I know it responsively before they tell me, and when I know exactly what they need from me or need to hear from me before I even find out what's going on.

A source of energy and knowledge entrusted to me in an expectation to use it obediently. A strong and personal presence thanking and appreciating me when I say YES to this phenomenon, and an inner guidance as to the exact words and actions to take and NOT take. A feeling of being nudged toward the unknown and reassurance it is a safe unknown. Or a feeling of being held back when I would otherwise blunder ahead in my own faulty wisdom. A holy roadblock and sign: "STOP, DETOUR. God at Work Here."

Why do I say this is the Spirit, for me, when I know others have somewhat similar experiences? It is because I have given all that I am, to my Lord and Savior, to use as He chooses. Therefore everything in my ife is within that context. I choose to have that experience within Him, not outside Him.

How do I know when it is that Spirit seeking to use me, and not an evil one in a pretty costume? First by the spiritual gift of discernment and long interaction with this Person, and Second, by comparing what is asked and what I feel, with Scripture, especially Scriptiure about the life of Jesus. Third, by the fruits that follow. As I see the result of my obedient action over time, flowing from the action to the life of the other person and out from their life into others' lives, I am confirmed that I had the right ID for that Voice, thus reinforcing everything about the Voice and making it easier and easier to separate it out from the surrounding clamor.
