The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68932   Message #1164629
Posted By: CET
18-Apr-04 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: Svend: just a common jewel theif
Subject: RE: Svend: just a common jewel theif
Charmion, actually, who has not re-set the cookie on the computer:

It sounds like a classic sign of burn-out to me, and the fact that he has been a voracious lens-louse and publicity hog since entering public life yonks ago makes that more, not less, likely -- he kept it up long, long after a normal person would have quit.

We have all seen the most unlikely people get picked up for the silliest things -- e.g., senior police superintendent steals steak from Loblaws, famous general recently returned from horrible mission in Africa is found dead drunk in a park. Generally, when the wheels of the court system start grinding, either the prosecutor finds a way to avoid laying a charge or to drop the charges, or the judge awards a conditional or unconditional discharge. It's not hard to see that the Crown in Mr. Robinson's case might think it would be hard to get a conviction, which is generally how they decide whether to lay charges in the first place. That's why the province has appointed a special counsel to make recommendations.