The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13893   Message #116496
Posted By: annamill
22-Sep-99 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: Music Etiquette Question -- Blind Spots
Subject: RE: Music Etiquette Question -- Blind Spots
Jeri and Blessings, Barbara. I agree totally with stopping till he shuts up. Rudeness when someone is performing is one of my greatest pet peeves.

When I had my first gathering, we had a man who played the tub base...AND TALKED INCESSENTLY when we were trying to listen to great music (only in my opinion). I finally faced him down and told him he was as great an oratator(SP) as Mark Twain. He was insulted and was going to leave, but I told him I didn't want him to leave, just enjoy the music and that I had just paid him a great compliment. He stayed and he shut up. I didn't ask him to the next gathering tho.

Next time this rudeman (new word) talks, stop, ask him if you were disturbing him and if it would be alright with him if you continue. Then wait for an answer. He won't talk again, and he'll get over the embarrassment.

Love, annap (with her dander up today) (What does that mean, exactly, I wonder)