The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13896 Message #116557
Posted By: Allan C.
22-Sep-99 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: BS:Creamy vs.Crunchy:religious question?
Subject: RE: BS:Creamy vs.Crunchy:religious question?
While I was reading here about this important issue, a friend sent me an email which featured this link: The Hunger Site The irony appealed to me so I followed the path. Some bright person found a way to do a little advertising and to funnel the monies gained from that toward feeding the less fortunate. One has nothing more to do than to click onto the page. This puts at least a cup and a half of rice, maize, or wheat into the hands of someone who needs it. The presumption is that you click on the advertisers' links while there but you don't have to in order for this to work.
I wouldn't pass on something of this kind if I didn't think it was probably a good thing. I hope you will take a moment to check it out.
BTW, I like Jif the best. I don't really care if it has nuts or not unless the bread is too soft to hold up against the texture of the nutty kind. Matter of fact, I am heading home in a few minutes to have a honey and PB sandwich. (I am all out of Welch's grape jelly - for which there is no equal!)
No matter how many times PB&J was all there was to eat, I never got so tired of it that I couldn't eat it. Eating PB with or without nuts is not what I would call a religious experience - probably because I find either to be much more satisfying on some level.