The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51847   Message #1165758
Posted By: GUEST,Alona Lott
20-Apr-04 - 01:35 AM
Thread Name: Ask Dr. Guitar
Subject: RE: Ask Dr. Guitar
Greetings from the far north! I have been traveling and haven't had the opportunity to read the web sites forbidden me so I'm feeling most virtuous. I must say, though, that I can't really tell where one is supposed to post- have we gone to another thread or NOT?

I'm happy to report that my finger problem has resolved itself; please accept my heartfelt thanks.

However, I do have a serious question. I spent the last week at a music festival. (It was very enjoyable, and I may take up a new career to be known as a'folkfestie'.)

But I overheard an intriguing comment from a young mandolin player to a slightly-older banjo player, with whom he was attempting to play. The banjo player asks, What key are you playing in?
Mando player: Hmmmmm. Not one really; just regular.

My question is, What are 'regular' keys? Is it possible for me to learn them by myself or do I need a teacher?

(Keep n mind that my band hasn't paid me in some time, so finances are temporarily somewhat short.

Thank you in advance.