The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68906   Message #1165931
Posted By: Mooh
20-Apr-04 - 06:59 AM
Thread Name: Pre-Gig Insanity, Rituals, Rules, etc.
Subject: RE: Pre-Gig Insanity, Rituals, Rules, etc.
Wedding organizers of the "professional" variety are a real pain right before the wedding gig, and I do my best to avoid them. Otherwise a personal checklist and the old boy scout motto "be prepared" works for me. I generally now carry my own mics, cords, DIs, stands, and even a decent chair if I'm sitting, to those shows where all such stuff is supposed to be provided. I'm always surprised by the lack of preparedness on the part of arts presenters. Being prepared is the difference between disaster and success.

If there's much down time it's handy to have some reading material to pass the time, or a place to play.

I can hear the household proclaiming as I go out the door, "Don't forget your glasses!".

Peace, Mooh.