The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13896   Message #116594
Posted By: annamill
22-Sep-99 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: BS:Creamy vs.Crunchy:religious question?
Subject: RE: BS:Creamy vs.Crunchy:religious question?
aaaoooouuuu, Jack! I haven't tried either in a massage. Honey is working til 12AM tonight. That will give me time tomorrow to get some. For massaging, I think I'll go with the creamy. Thanks for the recommendation, Jack. ;-)

I don't eat peanut butter anymore, because of calories, but when I did, I loved both. I'm not a very religious person, so I could go either way, so to speak. Being the open minded person that I am, I could eat both kinds, even at once, if the situation presented itself.

You should try it with bananas on either white or whole wheat bread. Hmmmm.

Yes, I know I'm being suggestive. But only to a mind open to that kind of suggestion. ;-)

Love, annap