The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13867   Message #116600
Posted By: annamill
22-Sep-99 - 06:43 PM
Thread Name: The Village of Mudcat
Subject: RE: The Village of Mudcat
I'm going out on the sleepy, gentle river next to the village in my kayak in a moment. Would anyone like to go?

Allen, I don't think it's fair for you to drop out of the VI race and give in. For myself, I'd like to hear all the platforms of those who would like this position and choose for myself.

I know it would be quite a race. How about it candidates?

Well, think about it and we can have the race later if you've a mind. If you don't, you'd be perfect for the job.

Anyone that wants to go with me can grab that other kayak over there and come along. Be sure to grab the lifevest too, please. Off I go....