The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13896   Message #116610
Posted By: Bill D
22-Sep-99 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: BS:Creamy vs.Crunchy:religious question?
Subject: RE: BS:Creamy vs.Crunchy:religious question?
well, SOME of us remember mixing not only the oil into the peanut butter, but the color into the margarine...great job to give a kid..pop the color capsule and KNEAD!....

and, for REAL delight try adding some almond or cashew butter to your regular peanut butter!...spread it on some nice multi-grain bread,,,with maybe some fancy honey..(I like New Zealand creamed Manuka or Nodding Thistle..or Australian Leatherwood)...YUM!

Bill D, who has been studying peanut butter combinations for 57 years!

(My usual breakfast is PB & 'X'...jelly, jam, honey...[and I almost NEVER eat white bread!])