The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13821   Message #116614
Posted By: dwo
22-Sep-99 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: Senate Czars-committee on culture,scary!
Subject: RE: Senate Czars-committee on culture,scary!
Seems to me the Good Senator is continuing the "Culture War" rhetoric Pat Buchanan used at the 1996 Republican Convention. That little phrase neatly expresses the great anxiety felt by a lot of folks about the way they see their world changing. The anxiety itself goes way back, o'course ... back to the Beats, at least. We Boomers probably thought when we got to middle age that our viewpoints would prevail -- but they haven't. Still a whole lotta folks thinking that the America they want to live in is found right there in Anaheim, on Disney's Main Street USA ("And every day at 3 pm you can take part in a traditional lynching!") This thread turned to railing against the corporate state, and that's quite appropriate, but the fear and anxiety -- caused by the fact that the bulk of our citizens are getting royally SCREWED -- are what drive the Culture War against anyone and everyone who doesn't share Walt Disney's vision.

Seems to me.