The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13896   Message #116617
Posted By: katlaughing
22-Sep-99 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS:Creamy vs.Crunchy:religious question?
Subject: RE: BS:Creamy vs.Crunchy:religious question?
I haven't been doing pb, either, because of all the carbos, but I DO recommend only using Puritan, not Crisco or any other, oil, for massage, esp for preserving a partnership.

Jack, I am LOL! Mmmmm, mustard flake sin the bed!

BillD, when my brother & I were both on pure food kicks, we boguht nothing but natural pb, which not only had to be stirred because it had separated, but also had to be refrigerated! Now, for awhile, a naturopath I went to had me eating almond butter on crackers. VERY GOOD!

MC: I have to comment before 'Spaw! Just a little typo/omission, really, but I am not surprised you " could not get Peter Butter." Maybe you could define it for us??**BG**
