The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68875   Message #1166248
Posted By: JennyO
20-Apr-04 - 12:35 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Cursing Thread
Subject: Lyr Add: THE REFUGEES' REVENGE (John Dengate)
I for one will be waiting with baited breath to hear how our prime monster is affected by the bone-pointing! Of course, a great many uncharitable things have been said and written about him over the years, and so far, we still haven't been able to get rid of him.

Our government's treatment of refugees has come in for a great deal of critcism, and John Dengate, a Sydney writer and singer of political parodies, came up with an excellent song about karma - it really is a curse in song parody form - "May you get what you deserve", a simple but satisfying curse. I get to sing this on Sunday at Snalbans. I can't wait! Here 'tis:

John Dengate
Tune: Bread of Heaven / Cwm Rhondda

Mr Howard, you'll have no passport
When you walk through death's dark vale.
Lost and frightened, you will travel
Buffeted by storm and gale.

CHORUS: Mr Howard and Mr Ruddock,
When your bodies are deceased,
You'll be locked in hell and not released.

Mr Ruddock, power will not save you
When you cross the River Styx,
Nor your specious rhetoric and cunning
Nor your ruthless politics.


Speaking from the throne of heaven,
God will weigh your evil deed.
"Howard and Ruddock, I deny you status,
Never now, will you be freed."


You will weep in hell's detention centre
For your cruel and heartless crime.
Cries for mercy endlessly ignored:
Eternity's a long, long time.