The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68989   Message #1166272
Posted By: BaldEagle2
20-Apr-04 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: S.U.V.s - Where are the attack attorneys
Subject: BS: SUVs - Where are the attack attorneys?
A fat boy finds no difficulty in finding an attack attorney to go after McDonald's for selling him food that is known to contribute to making people overweight.

But there were over 10,000 people killed in America last year because of the inherent design flaws in SUV's - and not one reported product liability case (that I can find).

It has been said that the manufacturer's themselves hold SUV buyers in utter contempt: such buyers pay a very high premium to acquire a vehicle based on 60's technology.   (Presumably because it is cool to drive such "safe" vehicles.)

If a driver gets into a hazardous situation in a typical SUV, its design (box on wheels) makes it far harder to steer out of trouble.   Impact collisions are higher per capita for the SUV fleet, and all studies show that the consequences are far more serious and fatalities are higher than when non-SUV's are involved in a collision.

Perhaps it is easier to prove that fat boys deserve millions (in damages from unscrupulous food suppliers), than it is to convince a jury that compensation should be paid to the family of the victim of an SUV accident.

Or perhaps the attack attornies are beavering away for all our sakes, and modesty precludes them from telling us about it.

I think we should be told.