The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68989   Message #1166538
Posted By: BaldEagle2
20-Apr-04 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: S.U.V.s - Where are the attack attorneys
Subject: RE: BS: S.U.V.s - Where are the attack attorneys
The stats came from an ABC news report yesterday evening.

Last week, a commentator on PRI said words the effect that a young lady driver made three life choices, each in itself unlikely to be considered extreme.

She chose to talk on a cell phone while driving, which made it more likely she would get into trouble.

She chose to drive a 2 wheel drive SUV, which made it more difficult to get out of such trouble.

She chose not to wear a seat belt, which made the consequences of an accident more likely to be serious.

Her last known words were to a friend through her cell phone, when she cried out "I'm going to crash".

Even if SUV's are safer to their passengers (not supported by any stats I have seen), everyone seems to agree they are more dangerous to other road users.

A woman successfully sued Piper Aircraft, becase a 1930 tail dragger built by them made it possible for her late husband to attempt to fly it from the back seat.   The kids in the front seat didn't know how to put in rudder inputs, and their flight lasted less than 2 minutes.    If that case warranted punitive damages against Piper, isn't the case against SUV's at least as strong?

Just wondered.