The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68989   Message #1166713
Posted By: Joe Offer
20-Apr-04 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: S.U.V.s - Where are the attack attorneys
Subject: RE: BS: S.U.V.s - Where are the attack attorneys
Amos, SUV's just plain don't fit on highways and in parking lots that are built for automobiles. More than once, I have walked through a parking lot impaled myself in the tenderest of spots on a trailer hitch of a huge SUV parked in a compact car parking space.
They don't seem to hold the lane very well, so I have to makes sure they don't hit my little Honda as they swerve into my lane.
I can't back out of parking spaces safely any more, since I'm often hidden by huge SUV's on both sides.
I live in a farm house in mountainous country, so I need something like a truck. My wife's Subaru Outback works just fine. Excuse me for rash generalizations, but it seems to me that most people who buy Ford Expeditions are pigs. Thos who cah actually make good use of an Expedition, can't afford one.
-Joe Offer-