The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68989   Message #1166722
Posted By: Bobert
20-Apr-04 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: S.U.V.s - Where are the attack attorneys
Subject: RE: BS: S.U.V.s - Where are the attack attorneys
Well gol danged. A lot less folks woulda been killed if the guard rails were higher. Of course that would mean that th4e sedan drivers woulda been decapitated but, hey, can't please everyone...

My problem with SUV's really isn't about SUV's but th4e folks who own them. I'd dare say that 90% of the folks who own them don't need them, but bought them because the ad-men convinced them that if they didn't have them then they weren't cool. Meanwhile, back at the gas pump, these vehicles get less than half the fuel mileage as do the sedans... When that is put in barrels-of-oil-per-day, it's millions, not thousands or hundreds...

Now, given that oil is not renewable and SUV's are eating up more than their share of it, when one considers that most owners own because of they are "cool" and nothin' else, most SUV owners are acting very irresposible... While it is difficult to indict any one SUV owner, the collective negative effects on these vehicles on global resources is more than significant...

IMHO, in these times of deminishing reources, we should be trying more to find alternatives to reservre as much oil as we possibly can while we figure out how we are going to live when we have used up our oil, rather than burn it up as fast as we can...

Purdy narcisistic...
