The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69028   Message #1167159
Posted By: Allan C.
21-Apr-04 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: Where would you go?
Subject: Where would you go?
Circumstances have allowed for me to be able spend a year or so traveling the roadways of the USA, possibly crossing some borders as well. Starting in just a few weeks, I will be meandering about with a travel trailer doing my own version of "Blue Highway" I suppose. Some of my thoughts about what I hope to encounter include:

1.        MUSIC/PEOPLE
There is still a great number of 'Catters I have yet to meet. There are others whom I have met, but hope to see again. I'm hoping my travels will bring me within singing distance of a few from time to time. Also, I think it would be fun to visit areas that are mentioned in or are integrally related to folk songs. If I can manage to be in the right place at the right time, I hope to attend a few folk festivals. With luck, maybe I will encounter some folkies who have yet to discover the wonders of Mudcat and the DT.

2.        SIGHTS
Some of my favorite things about traveling are not usually found among the standard "tourist traps". Frankly, I could hardly care less about seeing a house where Grover Cleveland spent his formative years. I found visiting the arch at St. Louis to be a total waste of time and must wonder why they bothered to build it. On the other hand, I was fascinated by the Oregon Trail ruts (deeply carved into stone by thousands of westward bound wagon wheels,) or the morning view of the sunlight glinting off the snow capped Bridger Range in Montana and I'll always gasp for breath upon seeing the views of the Pacific from the high overlooks on Highway 101. I've been known to go a few miles out of my way just to visit a place with a name such as Chugwater, Wyoming if only for the bragging rights! You may know that I love cooking and eating just about equally. I hope to find a few shrimp fests, chili cook-offs, ramps festivals and other events of the sort along the way. Besides the good eats, I hope to pick up some cooking tips.

3.        HOME
I am in search of a likely place to settle. I have spent much of my life in Virginia, within a few miles of the Shenandoah Valley. Although the pull is strong to return to it, I don't feel I can do so, (if I do at all,) until I have examined some alternatives. My criteria are few in number, but great in importance. The climate must be relatively free of extremes but should include all four seasons. There should be access to forests (for hiking) and streams (for fishing and maybe canoeing.) Having mountains nearby would be a boon but not a necessity. Beach access would be just fine, but not a requirement. Note: I don't much care for lakes. For me, a lake would not be a reasonable substitute for flowing water. Folk venues should be within easy driving distance (an hour's drive or so would not be too much.) Good medical care should be within a short drive. Quiet is good. I don't mind visiting large cities, nor do I mind having them within an hour or two of driving time. However, I have no interest in living in one.

By the way, if you should discover that you have some time on your hands and would like to join me for a segment of my journey, don't be bashful. Since I don't have a designated route, we might be able to map out a circuit to include stops you'd like to make. Should you happen to be planning a visit from overseas, this could be an interesting and rather inexpensive way to see America. If the realities of somewhat cramped quarters (have a look,) long, slow miles and an Olympic class snorer (earplugs furnished at no additional cost!) don't put you off, PM me. Maybe we can work out something.

The initial leg of my travels will take me east from Texas and eventually northward. I am currently toying with the idea of trying to make it up to New York in time for Old Songs. The only stops I have planned for certain include one at Mudcatville to visit Max and of course, the Getaway in Maryland in October. Any suggestions of where to go and what to see during my year of travels would be welcomed. If you had such an opportunity, where would you go?

"And I can't help but wonder where I'm bound, where I'm bound…"