The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69020   Message #1167167
Posted By: Betsy
21-Apr-04 - 03:31 PM
Thread Name: Changing the words
Subject: RE: Changing the words
I was invited to join-in one of those impromptu songs at the end of a Mini concert,and I got on stage with a lovely singer and guitarist Marie Little , and we proceeded with one or two others who had been performing earlier, to finish the evening with this Chorus-type song. Half-way through the song,she said in a music-hall , jocoular manner " Do you know,-you're singing this song all wrong?" - but she was also fairly serious because the song wasn't going smoothly ,and ( I suppose ) she didn't want to be associated which such an amateurish performance. She went on to get a few laughs, whilst she was feeding off the audience-by talking the p*ss out of me - for getting it wrong.
The problem was she learned the song from someone else and not the person who'd written the bloody song - ME.
Don't worry - we're still great friends after these many years since that happened , so if YOU can't make someone happy , just grin and bear it if you are the subject of some good-natured fun. So Jerry the answer is YES, there are plenty of ways in which songs suddenly become different animals and quite often is doesn't take too long for that change to occur.