The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68907   Message #1167189
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
21-Apr-04 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
Both democrats and republicans have been terrible on a coherent energy policy.    While Bush has his share of faults on this issue, you have to give him credit on two issues.
1.   He uses a geothermal heat pump (the most energy efficient system on the planet) in his personal house in Crawford.   How many other politicians are using energy efficient systems?
2.   While he was governor of Texas he was a big proponent of wind power and as a result Texas is third in the country for most energy generated from wind.   Not bad for a state dominated by oil interests.

Pardon my soapbox, but let me suggest a totally radical idea that would improove our energy policy immediately.    The federal government created the Model Energy Code in 1994.    This has now evolved to the IECC.    Only 30 states have adopted this code.   20 have not.   My state of Michigan is the only state in the country to have repealed the Model Energy Code (in 1995) and replaced it with a code that is 60% under standard.   You need more attic insulation in Tennessee than you do in Detroit.   Pathetic.    The only penalty for not conforming to the national code is that you had to write a letter to the DOE explaining what you were doing.   In Michigan the letter was written and edited by never sent.   I know this because I was on the governors blue ribbon energy committee for the past two years.   I estimated that repealing the Model Energy Code in Michigan has cost people 900 million dollars in higher utility bills.    Am I too much of a radical to suggest that the first part of an energy bill should be to enforce the existing national building code on the other 20 states who don't follow it.   I estimate this would reduce our energy consumption by 20% in the next 5 years.    I have been on this soapbox with testimony to the Public Service Commission, State of Michigan,in my newspaper column, and on several radio shows. I guess that is too radical an idea for now so I guess we will have to continue buying Middle Eastern oil.