The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2723   Message #11673
Posted By: Max
02-Sep-97 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Technical Issues 02-Sep-1997
Subject: Technical Issues
We have made a major change today and a major discovery. The change is somewhat invisible to you all but I might as well let you in on it. We changed our network to a new set of IP addresses. We used to be on the network and are now on None of this matter to you but there may be a delay in filtering the name and traffic to the new IP's.

Also, we got ordered and almost ready. This will eliminate the bounce to onstage computers. Our plan is to get everyone over to eventually. We will use as a mirror for a while (up to 6 monhts) and may do something else with it later.

The discovery was who is at fault for the unreliable nature of the mudcat. And The Winner is: Bell Atlantic. "Their lines are dirty" is what we were told. So we are shooting for a refund of the last few months and to get them out here to fix it. I'll keep you all informed.

Anyway, we are on our way to a more wonderful mudcat. Today was such a bitch. We were having so much trouble we spent all day fixing things until we figured that since we're down anyway we might as well do the switcheroo.

Though, now we are so broke eviction is a possibility. So if anyone has thought about donating but hasn't please do or we'll be on the street along with the Mudcat. Thanks.