The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13908   Message #116736
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
23-Sep-99 - 01:27 AM
Thread Name: Poetry Swap-meet
Subject: Poetry Swap-meet
Welcome to the Mudcat Poetry Swap-meet. Bring a poem and leave it here, or take one with you when you go. Comment on a poem, or write one of your own...

Mouths That Kissed in the Hot Ashes of Pompeii

Mouths that kissed
in the hot ashes of Pompeii
are returning
and eyes that could adore their beloved only
in the fires of Pompeii
are returning
and locked bodies that squirmed in ecstacy
in the lava of Pompeii
are returning
and lovers who found their perfect passion
in the death of Pompeii
are returning,
and they're letting themselves in
again with the names of your sons
and your daughters.
