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Thread #68898   Message #1167407
Posted By: Strick
21-Apr-04 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Irony: Bush and the UN
Subject: RE: BS: Irony: Bush and the UN
"point? earlier you said it was a matter of opinion, make up your mind.

bribes? spoils? odd way of looking at it."

I never said the question of whether Bush said the UN was irrelevant was a matter of opinion. It's conceded.

When a country won't do something unless it gets something valuable in return, why isn't it a bribe? Didn't people here say that many of the countries who participated in the Coalition were bribed to do so? What's the difference?

Exactly what does June 30th have to do with the elections? Heck the Iraqis wanted this to happen last year. The elections are scheduled for January next year.

Lot of people are running around like chicken little at every obstacle in Iraq, but not the administration.

I'm becoming fond of you, petr, honest. I know it's not mutual, but that's OK.