The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68859   Message #1167410
Posted By: Bat Goddess
21-Apr-04 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: Curmudgeon Hospitalized
Subject: RE: Curmudgeon Hospitalized
This has gotta be quick cuz I've got a cat screaming to be fed and still have some phone calls to make (including to Tom!!!) and Jeri can tell you about my car problems on the way home from the hospital this evening (why I got a late start on all this stuff at the house). Oh, and I need to eat something, too, and get to bed early. (Geez -- it's already what I think of as early.)

I'll be in Tom's room tomorrow morning between 6 & 6:30 so I can give him a big kiss before they wheel him off to the OR around 7. Surgery should take about 3 1/2 hours. I'll be camped out in the waiting room of the ICU and he'll be there for the rest of the day and Friday. Then they'll move him to a regular room and let him go home about 4-6 days after tomorrow's surgery.

Car hassles -- what next?!? Jeri's standing by in case I need a ride tomorrow. Car's been fine until it didn't want to start after I dropped some paperwork off at Wentworth Douglass Hospital. Started fine the next half dozen times, then wouldn't start when I filled up the tank on the way home.

Pillows and teddy bears -- what Portsmouth Hospital supplies is a heart-shaped pillow, I guess.

I'll post when I can.

Love you all!
