The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13867   Message #116747
Posted By: katlaughing
23-Sep-99 - 03:18 AM
Thread Name: The Village of Mudcat
Subject: RE: The Village of Mudcat
Lloyd & others, LMAO, means Laughing My Arse Off. I had to ask the first time I saw it, too.

Mick, darlin, seeings how you ARE the Keeper of the Sacred Fertility Rites, how about you have a weekly column, advising us all on how to keep our, ahem relationships "fresh", or some such as you deem interesting? Of course, any other suggestions are welcome.

BTW, don't forget, everyone, right now, from the 20th-23rd, we are in Mabon, more commonly know as Fall Equinox, that time when day and night are equal; a time of harvest, giving thanks and joy, of leavetaking and sorrow. This week's meditation circle will commemorate this ocassion with ritual. Please bring something of harvest, flowers, fruit, veggies, or gourds, from your gardens. Also, cords for weaving, shells, and seeds. "Autumn's grain is spring's seed."

We will give thanks for our bounty, offer libations, and have a blow out dance party afterwards. Ya'll come now, ya hear?! And, bring your instruments! We can't just sit aorund looking at our navels (or, in Mick's case, at everyone else's) all of the time. There has to be balance, ya know!? Keep practicing those OM's, though!

Blessed Be!