The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69020   Message #1167470
Posted By: Mr Happy
21-Apr-04 - 09:53 PM
Thread Name: Changing the words
Subject: RE: Changing the words
New Ruling For Song Lyrics

As from April 1st the new Government Citizenship Law takes effect, which bans violence in song lyrics. It only affects 'new publications' of old and new songs. The British Library are allowed to archive old original verse, but copying in any form will be illegal. Publishers have hurriedly changed the lyrics to many of our well-loved songs since the Citizenship Act of Parliament was passed in January 2004.

This also affects Morris Dancers who will no longer be able to use props of violence such as swords and heavy sticks. However they will be able to still use hankies and flower garlands. It will be sad to lose the Mummers around the country, as it seems it will be impossible to put on a show without violence. Mummers and 'old time song lovers', have been protesting throughout the streets of Britain with their "We Want Violence" banners.

Whiskey in The Jar lyrics shown below is typical of the changes that have been made:


As I was going over the Cork and Kerry Mountains

I spied Captain Farrell and his money he was counting

I first produced my pistol and then produced my rapier

Saying "Stand and deliver for I am a bold deceiver"


As I was going over the Cork and Kerry Mountains

I spied Captain Farrell and his money he was counting

I first produced my pencil and then produced some paper

Saying "Can I help you sir for I am a good calculator"

As a staunch believer in non-violence, I fully support the governments stance in this matter and know it won't take long for all of us to get used the new lyrics and festival changes. Shame about the Mummers though!

Colin Matthews